Becoming Catholic

Saint Augustine of Hippo eloquently described the relentless human quest for God: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

The Catholic Church believes that the meaning and purpose of life are found in Jesus Christ: “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Furthermore, the fullness of Christ resides in the Catholic Church: in her doctrine, sacraments, and moral teachings.

The parish invites all who are searching for greater happiness to explore the Catholic faith. For those who wish to join the Church, a period of prayer, learning, and preparation is available. This Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) normally begins in January and leads to the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist) at Easter (March / April).

Please contact Father Musuubire, the pastor, for more information (443-2760).